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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Will Come

I haven’t been able to go to church because I was put on bed rest and I missed it so much today being Easter I decided I could go and sit for an hour in Sacrament I am so grateful I did my spiritual basket was getting low and Satan is working hard on me. We had a great speaker she talked about how when the Savior was crucified on a Friday it was the darkest day that has ever been on this earth...as my mind began to wonder I thought of dark days in my life and in those that I love and then I thought of the Saviors dark day and how utterly alone he was hanging on that cross he felt every pain, sorrow, EVERYTHING we have ever felt and so much more and he did it for us.

The speaker told us about a utube video from Elder Worthlin http://youtu.be/xlc5RvmWN4s its amazing and gives you hope that even in the darkest of days and that “We will all have our Fridays….but Sunday will come” I am so grateful my Savior and his love to each of us

1 comment:

Abe n Linz said...

Katie! I love you and think of you all the time. Give me a call whenever. I have lots of free time. Hang in there. There is and end to it all. He can only cook so long!!